Hackney Womens

Sifu Julie Regis

Sifu Julie Regis

Sifu Julie is also available to conduct seminars for women only on request.

Women only classes

Assistant Instructors

Andrea Regis
Deeba Ahmed
Amrita Kaur

Branch name

London, Hackney HQ

Sifu Mobile

07961 770 742
(contact me Mon-Fri 9:30am to 5:30pm)



School address

The Clapton Common Rooms Oldhill Street, E5 9AA


Class details

Women only classes

Monday: 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Sifu Julie is an instructor at the HQ and the Chief Administrator of The Wing Chun School. She has been training for over 21 years under Sifu Garry McKenzie. Her first experience of martial arts was in Judo at the age of 16.

As the first woman to have completed The Wing Chun system under Sifu Garry, she has assisted in seminars and teaches at the children's classes at the Hackney Head Quarters.

Since the year 2000 she has been visiting Hong Kong and has met with respected Wing Chun Grandmasters such as Mg Chong Hong, Tsui Seung Tin, Wan Kam Leung, Ip Chun and her Si Gung Ip Ching.

Sifu Julie has also participated in demonstrations for the grand opening of the Ip Man Tong, Fatsan , China in November 2002 and in 2005 for the 2nd Wing Chun World Conference held in Hong Kong and China.

In November 2007 Sifu Julie established a women's only Wing Chun class which has grown considerably.

On Thursday 5th June 2008, Sifu Julie successful passed her fourth and final grading under TWCS.

In June 2008 she took part in TWCS demonstration at the Sporting Futures, Lea Valley Festival.

In August 2008, emel magazine featured a short article about Sifu Julie.

Sifu Julie has also had the opportunity to be filmed by the Islam Channel for the launch of the show 'Hayaat'.

Get in touch

Wing Chun School HQ
St. Thomas's Church Crypt,
Old Hill Street,
Clapton Common,
Contact: 0208 220 3981
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